Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a well-known technology, and how it plays an important role in our daily life. In this blog, I will explore some topics of AI that may reshape your perception of AI. So let’s get started.
What is AI:
There is no clear definition of AI because it is quite difficult to get an idea of what AI is due to its complex nature. Here are some AI definitions you can refer: AI Definitions
I am putting the AI concept of what I know about AI:
Artificial Intelligence is a human-made tool/program to make intelligent decisions. It is nothing but the mimic of human which replaces human to take actions/decisions to save human time & energy. It has become so advanced (and becoming more advanced) that it is saving lots of time & energy, improves efficiency and productivity that frees up human resources for more complex and creative work.
Highlights of AI:
There are different tasks AI is doing on our behalf that are really important and beneficial for us. Let’s go through them one by one:
- Automation: AI can work on the Automation of low-value and repetitive tasks, freeing up humans for high-value and productive tasks.
- Best decision-making: Humans might be wrong at making decisions when data becomes vast, at that time AI plays its role. AI is capable of making decisions with large amounts of data. AI can process and analyze large amounts of data and provide valuable insight for making decisions.
- Enhance Personalization: AI can improve personalization by understanding human preferences and behaviors. The best example is e-commerce platforms.
- Healthcare Advancements: AI is playing an important role in detecting disease, diagnostics, and making medicine.
Low lights of AI:
AI comes with drawbacks as well,
- Job Replacement: AI is replacing the jobs that can be easily handled by AI machines or programs.
- Privacy Concerns: There is no term PRIVACY remains in social life. What you are chatting about is already known to the chatbot, and what you are searching for on Amazon is known to ad companies.
- Lack of Creative Thinking: AI is based on what data is being provided, and that’s why it is doing the things that it is prepared for and not thinking out of the box.
- Cyber Security: As the data is increasing day by day, businesses and policymakers are concerned about cyber security.
Fear of AI:
Many individuals have a fear of AI in their minds, they think AI will replace humans one day and we all will be lost the human race, robots will perform all the tasks that we are doing now. But that will not going to happen. Let’s understand this with an example: robots can not be replaced by company CEOs, because humans have fear in their minds if they took a wrong decision then they could be fired, and their job would be at risk. But robots can not think that way, AI doesn’t have emotions and that’s why robots can not be replaced everywhere.
AI will not be replaced where accountability comes, AI will replace the repeating, low-cost, where humans need large amounts of energy, and required lots of calculations, and big data analysis. But there is also final decisions made by humans.
AI is becoming more advanced day by day and you can not stop that. And you are using AI tools in your daily life, like Alexa, Google Search, and ChatGPT. You are becoming addicted to AI day by day, and it saves our time & energy then why we should have fear of AI, we should become more productive instead and do more productive work by using AI tools.
If you fear AI and avoid using the ChatGPT then others will adopt it and go ahead of you and you stay where you are and blaming AI for its privacy concerns, security issues, or drawbacks.
We are becoming more addicted to AI in our daily life, but it also offers considerable benefits.
By using AI tools wisely, we can enhance our productivity and save time & energy.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.